Leaf it Alone


Leaf it Alone

Mixed Media on Canvas


This mixed media painting is a decorative piece of plants and butterflies and a patterned chain.   Sue set out to paint the exuberant growth of shrubs.   She painted the background first using a bright orange.  Once this was dry, Sue used masking tape to delineate areas of the background and painted over this in a shade of pink.   Some of the leaves were created by using a stencil that Sue made, which she filled with moulding paste to give a raised surface and so the foliage evolved from there.   Each leaf is outlined in white paint and the butterflies are cut out and pasted onto the canvas.  The chain that runs diagonally down the painting is painted in a patterned in white on bright blue.

The sides are painted black and it is signed on the back and wired ready to hang.

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